Walking to Destiny + Exit Planning Library Package
Exit Planning Institute

Walking to Destiny + Exit Planning Library Package

Regular price $260.00 Sale price $530.00 Unit price per
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 Package includes:

  • 10 paperback copies of Walking to Destiny by EPI CEO, Christopher Snider
  • 9 hardcover copies of Walking to Destiny  by EPI CEO, Christopher Snider
  • 1 Stories that Stick by Kindra Hall
  • 1 Willing Wisdom by Tom Deans
  • 1 Reality of Change by Fred Johnson
  • 2 of the EPI Team’s favorite books from a selection of:
    • Ultimate Sale by Justin Goodbread
    • Poised for Exit by Julie Keyes
    • Every Family’s Business by Tom Deans
    • Maximize Business Value by Tom Bronson

The more educated an owner is about exit planning, the more likely they are to begin incorporating exit strategy into their business plan. Gifting books to your potential owner clients is a great way to educate these owners on exit planning and value growth. According to a survey of advisors on LinkedIn, 15% said sharing books was a great way to educate owners. Gift Walking to Destiny to your prospective clients and start the exit planning conversation early.

Enhance your exit planning knowledge and build your personal library of industry-leading books from top business professionals. You’ll receive 24 books for $260 in this package that will discuss everything from maximizing business value to sharing successful business stories. This package is valued at over $530!